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Negative experiences such as long-term stress shrink your brain. Positive and new experiences cause it to grow. You can in fact, attract more of what you want, simply by thinking about it.
If you’re in debt and wish you could get out, you must read this post. It details my experiences of delving deep into the pits of dishonour letters, summons’ and cancellation of...
What do you love to do in your spare time? Imagine if you didn’t have to wake up to an alarm tomorrow morning. Imagine waking up when your body is completely rested and ready to wake up....
The first week of June marks one year of blogging for me. On June 1 2015, I launched my website from Laguna Beach, Southern California. It was with some trepidation but a lot of excitement. Every...
If you could unlock the secret to what enables people to succeed no matter what, you’d be in high demand. You can probably easily think of a person who had all the talent in the world but...
Exercise is great for you. There’s no doubting that. It keeps your body in good health and is a key component of functioning at your peak. After exercise, many people claim to feel great,...
When you’re in a leadership position, you will be seen one way or another. Make no mistake about that. How you’re seen is up to you. For anyone in a position of leadership, maintaining...
Fun is like success. It means different things to different people. Fun has the capacity to rest, relax and recharge you. For some people, fun is curling up with a book, and for others, it’s...
There’s a huge difference between billionaires and millionaires. Just think about it for a minute. One billion dollars… That’s over 999,999,999. Even $100,000,000 is a huge...
Phones now have the capacity to do so much that you can even run a business from them. You have access to more news, information and people than ever before. They can be addictive though and that...
Meditation has a major PR problem. The vast majority of people know meditation is beneficial, even if they don’t know what the benefits actually are. Regardless of what the benefits are, if...
Figuring out what to eat in order to lose weight, or simply eat healthy, can be confusing. My usual advice is to eat plenty of veggies. Incorporate them into as many meals as possible and choose...
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